How to enter
Shoqan Walikhanov Private School
Filling out a registration form - Application
Entrance examinations
Signing a contract and providing documents
Familiarize yourself with the cost
and terms of study at Sh.Walikhanov school
Entrance examinations
Grades  1-2
1. The competitive examination for admission of the students to the first and the second grades is held in the form of an interview in the following directions:


Memory and attention


2. In addition, an interview with a psychologist is carried out to identify the degree of readiness of the students for study.
Grades  3-4
The students who want to be admitted to grades 3-4 are tested in mathematics, Kazakh / Russian (the language of instruction), and English.


Kazakh/Russian language

English language

Grades  5-11
1. The students who want to continue study in the school in grades 5-11 are tested in:


Kazakh/Russian language

English language

2. The results of the entrance examinations are published on the school website in 14 calendar days from the date of the competitive examination.

Evaluate your abilities in the trial test,
choose your grade
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