Shoqan Walikhanov Private School
School self-government tasks:
Implementation of ideas for the organization of the educational process
Organization of school events
Improvement of school leisure life
The school self-government is:
The democratization of the teaching and educational process at school: cooperation of students, administration, and school teachers
Student’‎s voice
Creation of conditions for the realization of the interests and needs of students
Development of the leadership qualities of the students
Implementation of socially significant projects
Structure of the School Self-Government
Organization of the school self-government based on the administrative apparatus according to the principle of steppe democracy, where everyone is equal, and the discussion is held according to the principle of the «round table.» All participants have the same rights when voting.
Уық Интеллектуалды даму
intellectual development: games, debate, Ted-talks
Уық Мәдениет
organization of events within and outside the school premises
Уық Үйірмелер
organization of extracurricular activities
Уық Спорт
promotion of sports games and a healthy lifestyle to the students
Уық Асар
social projects: finding solutions to social, environmental, and economic problems
In the context of our school and its self-government, these rays bring light to every direction of our educational and leisure parts of the school life of the students. Each «ýyk» is a separate direction in the system of the school self-government, and they differ only in one principle, type of activity.
(киіз үй үш бөліктен тұрады: шаңырақ, уық пен кереге. Шаңырақ – киіз үйдің аспан күмбезіне ұқсайтын орталық элементі. Уық сол аспан күмбезінен шашыраған күн сәулесі іспетті).
Student clubs and projects
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